中国化学奥林匹克竞赛是中学生了解化学前沿及其发展的重要桥梁,但至今未见有关羧酸及其酯的奥赛试题专题研究。本文研究第14届至第33届竞赛初赛及决赛中有关羧酸及其酯的试题。采用统计法统计初赛决赛试题中涉及羧酸及其酯知识点的试题、试题数、分值等;进而归纳初赛决赛高频考点,发现决赛题中羧酸及其酯的出现概率比初赛题低,但难度显著增大;进一步通过典型试题分析,剖析解题技巧。作者还结合新冠病毒肺炎治疗药物氯喹、羟氯喹及阿比朵尔,设计了奥赛模拟题,提出了竞赛教学策略,期望本研究对参赛选手和竞赛教练有所帮助。 Chinese Chemistry Olympiad is not only a bridge for students to know the frontier of chemistry and its development, but one of the channels for students to enter great universities. This thesis studied the examination questions about carboxylic acid and its ester in the preliminary and final of the 14th to 33rd Chinese Chemistry Olympiad competitions. We sorted and analyzed them by statistics and comparison methods. Statistics were made on the examination questions, number of examination questions and their scores related to the knowledge points of carboxylic acid and its ester in the preliminary and final competition questions. And the high-frequency examination points for preliminary and final competition questions are summarized. Through the analysis of typical examination questions, we found that the probability of involving this knowledge point in the finals is lower than that in the preliminaries, but the difficulty is obviously increased. Further through the analysis of typical test questions, analyze problem-solving skills indepth. Then we selected chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and arbidol, which are used for treatment of COVID-19, designed and compiled the Olympiad simulation questions. Lastly we proposed some competition teaching strategies, hoping this study will be helpful to contestants and competition coaches.