我国《民法总则》第一百七十一条对狭义无权代理中行为人民事责任的规定受到许多争议。通过梳理、分析和比较学界的观点和争论,宜使行为人对善意相对人承担无过错的法定担保责任。责任承担方式为损害赔偿:如果行为人不知道自己欠缺代理权,仅需赔偿信赖利益损失,否则应赔偿履行利益损失。如果善意相对人应当知道行为人欠缺代理权,可以适当减轻行为人的责任。此外,善意相对人行使撤销权不影响行为人承担责任。 Civil liability of the narrow unauthorized agent regulated in article 171 of the General Part of China’s Civil Law has attracted many disputes. By carding, analyzing and comparing viewpoints and debates in civil law academics, it is advised to let the narrow unauthorized agent bear the statutory guarantee liability without fault to the bona fide counterpart. Damage compensation should be the method: If the doer didn’t know his lack of agency, he just needs to compensate for the loss of reliance interests, or else performance interests if he did know. If the bona fide counterpart should have known the lack of agency, the doer’s liability could be lightened properly. Additionally, the exercise of the bona fide counterpart’s revocatory right doesn’t affect the shouldering of the doer’s civil liability.

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