A structured physical activity program in an adolescent population with overweight or obesity: a prospective interventional study

Background. Obesity is a significant health problem, with increasing involvement of young population worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two different types of physical exercise (resistance vs combined aerobic-resistance) on cardiovascular and anthropometric profile of a sample of sedentary adolescents with overweight and obesity.Methods. After undergoing clinical, cardiovascular and anthropometric-metabolic evaluation (T0), subjects with overweight and obesity were randomized to a 6-months resistance or combined aerobic-resistance training program. Clinical, cardiovascular and anthropometric-metabolic evaluations were repeated after 6 months of training (T1) and after 3 months of detraining (T2).Results. Thirty adolescents with overweight/obesity were enrolled; 20 subjects completed training program. A significant improvement in body composition was detected after 6 months, with a reduction of BMI (32.1 [30.5-34.4] vs 31.1 [29.6-33.4] kg/m2, p=0.02) and adipose tissue (45.5 [41.1-49.7] vs 41.6 [37.0-49.2] Kg, p<0.01). A reduction in Diastolic blood pressure (75.5 ± 8.9 vs 68.2 ± 6.4 mmHg, p=0.02) and Pulse Wave Velocity (5.7 [5.1-5.9] vs 5.2 [4.7-5.7] m/s, p=0.04) was also observed. Persistence of the effect on the most important parameters was observed also after detraining period.Conclusions. Regular physical exercise induces positive metabolic and cardiovascular effects, with persistence also after brief discontinuation. Novelty bullets.Physical exercise induces positive effect on cardiovascular risk profile.Positive effects persist also after brief discontinuation.Physical exercise reduces early signs of autonomic disfunction.