Seasonal Variation on the Hydrochemistry and Height of Brackish-Water from Commodore Channel, Lagos, Nigeria

The current study deals with the evaluation of physicochemical characteristics, nutrient status, and variation in the height of surface water from the commodore channel, and its comparison with the hydrochemical characteristics of the monitoring borehole from the NIOMR Jetty, Lagos, Nigeria. We aim to further improve our understanding of the interrelationship of climate change and hydrological cycle, and its impacts in the Lagos coastal environments. The observed ranges of physicochemical characteristics of the surface water are dissolved oxygen (DO) 3.07-6.05mg/L; pH: 7.99-8.48; temperature 26.97-30.34°C, electrical conductivity (EC) 9680-47800mS/cm; salinity (Sal) 6.51-28.05‰ and water level 1.24-1.79m. The concentration of nutrient range from nitrite 10-36mg/l, nitrate 28-44mg/l, sulphate 38-90mg/l and phosphate 2-78mg/l. The analyzed hydrochemical characteristics from all the stations are within the desired values for healthy marine ecosystems when compared with Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENV) Nigeria permissible limits which are: DO >5 mg/l, pH 6.5-9, temperature