The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological hardiness and resilience with mental health in athletic students of Guilan Provincial University. This research is a correlation study and the population includes all athletic students of Guilan Applied Science and Technology University. Sampling was done randomly from among the climbers in Rasht city (61 people). We used the Conner and Davidson Resource Scale(CD-RISC) questionnaire, Iran and the Ahvaz Hardiness questionnaire and also GHQ questionnaire for collecting information. There was a significant relationship between psychological hardiness and resiliency with mental health (p P s this variable can explain the research sample alongside the variable of mental health changes. Ultimately, the higher the tenacity of a person, the mental health also increases. The findings of this study showed the importance of psychological hardiness and resiliency in maintaining and improving mental health of students. Psychological hardiness and resilience can explain the variability of mental health in students.