  Introduction of cinema to Turkey has gone through a rapider progress than that of printing and cinema has become very popular in Turkey. Cinema has contributed positively to this rapid progress thanks to its nature. It stimulates more than one sense conveying several things at one glance and alternating in between dreams, imagination and life’s realities and therefore it is desired greatly… When we look at the history of the world cinema, moving images have become very popular and have been adopted deeply even in the West which has an established culture of printing. While the West cinema which was born into an environment that dominates and always develops the world technology propagandizes itself naturally, analyzing with which ‘mind-set’ the people who are interested in this sector approach cinema will help to identify the past accurately, evaluate today correctly and to define the identity and future of Turkish cinema. Story culture still exists in our country the commonsense of which has not been completely and surely defeated by capitalism and imperialism, which acts as a bridge between two continents, where several civilizations were founded and which has a well-established culture and it seems that people of these lands are suited the best to modernize this eternal storytelling and narration in the light of zeitgeist in each and every sense and area and to cherish it with the technology that we have not developed. The purpose of this article is to analyze the definition of actor, actress mostly addressing female performers, give some examples in history and in today’s world, promote the re-thinking on the reason why cinema is important over the 21st century ‘human’ and to bring the responsibilities of sector and artists up for discussion and to analyze the ethics/responsibilities of the sector in countries such as Turkey where the level of education is low and problematic and where social differences are very evident. The difference between theater and cinema and the acting in cinema and theater were also addressed.