The constructive behavior of an individual in an emergency situation is presented as a dialectical unity of the objectivity of personal ideas about the world around and subjective self-determination in the assessment of emergencies. There are singled out the approaches to studying the constructive behavior of participants in the educational process in an emergency situation: as building a basis for further effective work; as a setting for creative collaboration; as reaching of agreements, effectiveness. The main task of the study was to determine the psychological criteria of readiness of educational process participants to constructive behavior in emergency conditions. The peculiarity of emergency behavior of educational process participants is described by the following parameters: differences in the subjective perception of the situation; individual attitude towards the process of activity; independence in the course of professional interaction; emotional, semantic, personal contact; motivation as a conditionality of the act; purposefulness as the presence of behavioral strategy and tactics; dialogic participation as a way to achieve a common goal; situationality, problematization, functionality as the means of organizing, conducting, and interpreting the process of interaction. Based on the analysis of theoretical and practical studies, the criteria for constructive behavior of participants in the educational process in emergency circumstances are defined and described: efficiency, adaptability, flexibility, activity, initiative, stability, critical thinking, reflexivity. The proposed criteria can serve as a basis for further study of the psychological readiness of the educational process participants to constructive action in emergencies. It is concluded that in an emergency, the actions of the individual may have different orientations and different degrees of effectiveness in relation to the goals of joint activities and the participant himself in the educational process, personal growth. Constructive actions are aimed at overcoming difficulties and finding ways to optimize external and internal resources to preserve the physical, psychological health, and social well-being of all subjects in the educational process. The range of issues that are promising and relevant for further research includes the development of optimal algorithms to respond to the educational process participants in emergencies and the development of appropriate methodical recommendations and socio-psychological technologies.