Hidronefrosis dapat terjadi pada satu atau kedua ginjal yang menyebabkan aliran urine menjadi lemah dan mengganggu fungsi dari ginjal itu sendiri.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi ketebalan korteks ginjal dan resistive index ginjal berdasarkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi pada pasien hidronefrosis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bagian Radiologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dari Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2018. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan rancangan potong lintang.Sampel penelitian sebanyak empat puluh orang yang memiliki klinis hidronefrosis. Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi grayscale terhadap pasien dilakukan untuk mengukur ketebalan korteks ginjal yang dilakukan di bagian tengah ginjal pada potongan longitudinal dan diukur dari puncak piramid tegak lurus ke arah kapsul, kemudian dilanjutkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi doppler di arteri interlobar atau arcuata pada pole superior, median, dan inferior ginjal untuk menilai renal resistiveindex. Data dianalisis dengan analisis statistik melalui uji korelasi Spearman dan Pearson.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata sampel penelitian mengalami hidronefrosis derajat ringan. Mean tebal korteks ginjal kanan pada penelitian ini 0,9 cm (0,26-1,79cm) dan ginjal kiri 0,84 cm (0,22-1,57cm). Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara derajat hidronefrosis dengan ketebalan korteks ginjal kanan dan kiri dengan arah korelasi negatif (p=0,0001). Kecenderungan peningkatan derajat hidronefrosis, meningkatkan nilai resistive index meskipun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara ketebalan korteks dan resistive index ginjal berdasarkan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi. Hydronephrosis can occur in one or both kidneys which causes the flow of urine to become weak and interfere with the function of the kidney. This research aimed to investigate the correlation between the cortex thickness and the resistive index of kidney based on the ultrasonography examination in hydronephrosis patients. The research was conducted in Radiology Department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital, Makassar from May through August 2018. The research design used was observational using the cross sectional design. The total samples comprised 40 samples with clinical hydronephrosis. The examination of ultrasonography grayscale was carried out in order to measure the cortex thickness of the kidneys in the central parts of kidneys and the longitudinal cut was measured from the pyramid top straight down the capsule, then it was continued with the Doppler ultrasonography examination in the interlobare artery or arcute at superior pole, median and inferior kidney in order to evaluate the renal resistive index. The data were analyzed using the statistical analysis through the correlation tests of Spearman and Pearson. The research results indicated that the mean research samples had experienced the light hydronephrosis. The mean cortex thickness of the right kidney was 0.9 cm (0.26 - 1.79 cm), and that of the left kidnet was 0.84 cm (0.22 - 1.57 cm). There was a significant correlation between the degree of hydronephrosis and the cortex thickness of the right and the left kidneys, with the direction of the negative correlation (p=0.0001). There was a tendency of the increase of hydronephrosis degree to increase the value of resistive index, though statistically it was insignificant. There was no correlation between the cortex thickness and the resistive index of kidney based on the ultrasonogrphy examination.