Ad comburendum. El uso de la leña en el Castillo de Pambre (Palas de Rei, Lugo) durante los siglos XV-XVII.

This paper presents the results of charcoal analysis as well as dendrological and taphonomical attributes of charcoal samples. These were recovered during the archaeological survey in the Pambre Castle (Palas de Rei, Lugo) during 2014 and in relation to the rehabilitation activities in the group of buildings of the castle. The data obtained let us to define the use as firewood of wood resources performed by the inhabitants of the castle between 15th to 17th centuries AD. A predominance of oak (deciduous Quercus), followed by hazel wood (Corylus avellana) has been attested, besides a great taxa diversity, predominantly fruit trees whilst scrubland taxa are not significant in the assemblage. This even though it coincided with a cold period, the Little Ice Age, and the major deforestation registered in the paleoenvironmental proxies as well as in the written sources.

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