The article considers and summarizes the main global features and consequences of migration processes, including Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to establishing current trends in the development of migration processes, namely the global features and consequences for Ukraine. The grouping and generalization methods are used in the article (to represent the main effects of migration processes for donor countries, intermediate countries and recipient countries). The graphic method is applied to reflect the dynamics of changes in the number of emigrants from Ukraine, who were granted the first residence permits in the EU from 2009 to 2018. Methods of concretization and synthesis were used in determining the main consequences of migration processes for Ukraine. As a result of the research, the classification of world countries depending on the directions of migration flows (donor countries, countries of intermediate location and recipient countries) was determined. The list of the largest donor countries, recipient countries in the world with the indication of the number of migrants in these countries was determined. The main consequences of migration processes for world countries were determined, concretized and grouped according to the degree of their influence. The list of countries that are the largest centers of emigration for Ukrainian citizens (Poland, USA, Germany, Canada, Czech Republic) was determined. The main reasons for the increase in the number of emigrants from Ukraine in the periods from 2009 to 2012 and from 2012 to 2018 have been identified. The main consequences of migration processes for Ukraine, as a country-donor of human capital, a country of intermediate location and a recipient country, have been identified and grouped. The predominance of negative consequences of migration processes for Ukraine, as a donor country of human capital, a country of intermediate location, have been determined.