Estimasi Karbon pada Tegakan Varietas Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica) Di Lahan Agroforestri Precet Wilayah Resort Pemangkuan Hutan Wagir KPH Malang

Global warming that causes climate change is due to increased emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the form of CO2, CH4 and other forms in the atmosphere. The application of the agroforestry system is one of the efforts to overcome the need for agricultural land by maintaining the function of the forest and the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for carbon stored in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) stands and to determine abiotic factors in the locations where Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) stands grow in agroforestry areas. This research used descriptive method and coffee stand sampling technique using non-destructive purposive sampling. For each stand sample, 25 trees were taken for each Gayo 1, p88 and Ateng coffee varieties so that the total sample size was 75 trees. Calculation data analysis includes allometric Ketterings dry weight = 0.11 D2.62 (2001) and Arifin allometric formula = 0.281 D2.0635 (2001). Analysis of biomass data carbon = dry weight x 0.47. The results showed that the largest carbon storage was found in the Gayo 1 variety, then the p88 variety and the smallest carbon storage was found in the Ateng variety. Abiotic factors in coffee agroforestry show soil moisture 18.3%, air humidity 60-75%, soil pH 7.5%, soil temperature 21°C, air temperature 21-25°C with an altitude of 900-1100 masl. Abiotic factors affect plant growth, and light intensity also affects plant biomass. Keywords: Agroforestry, Allometrics, Abiotic Factors, Carbon, Coffee VarietiesABSTRAKPemanasan global yang menimbulkan perubahan iklim dikarenakan meningkatnya emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) dalam bentuk CO2, CH4dan bentuk lainnyadi atmosfer. Penerapan sistem agroforestri merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kebutuhan lahan pertanian dengan mempertahankan fungsi hutan dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi karbon tersimpan pada tegakan varietas kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica) dan untuk mengetahui faktor abiotik di lokasi tempat tumbuh tegakan varietas kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica) di lahan agroforestri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teknik sampling tegakan kopi menggunakan purposive sampling non-destructive. Tiap sampel tegakan diambil 25 pohon pada setiap varietas kopi Gayo 1, p88 dan Ateng sehingga jumlah sampel keseluruhan 75 pohon. Analisa data perhitungan meliputi allometrik Ketterings berat kering = 0,11 ρ D2,62 (2001) dan rumus allometrik Arifin = 0,281 D2,0635 (2001). Analilis data biomasa karbon = berat kering x 0,47. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan simpanan karbon terbesar terdapat pada varietas Gayo 1, kemudian varietas p88 dan simpanan karbon paling kecil terdapat pada varietas Ateng. Faktor abiotik di agroforestri kopi menunjukkan kelembaban tanah 18,3%, kelembaban udara 60-75%, pH tanah 7,5%, suhu tanah 21°C, Suhu udara 21-25°C dengan ketinggian 900-1100 mdpl. Faktor abiotik berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan tanaman, dan intensitas cahaya juga berpengaruh terhadap biomassa tanaman. Kata kunci : Agroforestri, Allometrik, Faktor Abiotik, Karbon, Varietas Kopi