Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Jagung Pada Lahan Kering Di Kabupaten Wonosobo

Wonosobo Regency is one of the maize producing districts in Central Java. The harvested area and maize production in Wonosobo Regency from 2015-2018 tended to decrease. Maize in Wonosobo is widely cultivated on dry land in the highlands. This study aims to analyze costs, income, efficiency and formulate strategies alternative for developing maize farming on dry land in Wonosobo Regency. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews with 45 sample farmers and Focus Group Discussions with key informants consisting of farmers, agriculture services, BAPPEDA, plantation and forestry services, maize traders, and consumers. Data analysis was performed by analysis of costs, income, and farm efficiency and SWOT analysis. The results showed that in I and II growing seasons, the cost of maize farming was IDR 3,936,072.00, revenue IDR 9,905,412.00, and income was IDR 5,969,340.00. R / C value of 2.51 shows that maize farming in Wonosobo Regency is efficient. Strategies alternative for developing maize farming are: (1) Increasing the quantity and quality of maize commodities by optimally utilizing government policy support, (2) Increasing production through expansion of maize planting land, (3) Expanding maize marketing, (4) Increasing farmer capital, (5) Development of location-specific seeds, and (6) Increasing the role of farmer groups in facing competition.