Effect of Online Distance Learning on COVID19 Patients’ Knowledge, Self-monitoring and Self-care at Assiut City

Background: The COVID-19 is spread by human-to-human through droplets, feco- oral, and direct contact with patients during 2-14 days. Therefore, applying preventive measures to control COVID- 19 infection is the most critical intervention. Aim: To evaluate the effect of online educational program on COVID19 patients' knowledge, self-monitoring, and self-care. Subjects and methods: Design: A quasi-experimental (Pre & Post-test) study was conducted on 112 COVID-19 patients; online pretest during their staying at isolation areas and online posttest one month later after discharge from isolation areas. Setting: Isolation area at Assiut university dorms, in addition to isolation areas in all Assiut university hospitals which include Main University Hospital, Urology University Hospital and Al- Rajhi University Hospital , moreover online posttest from patients' homes .Tools: Three tools were used which conducted by on line way, on-line self-reported COVID -19 knowledge questionnaire, daily self-monitoring form and self-care questionnaire. Results: there was a significant statistical difference between pre, post online education regarding patients’ self- care toward COVID-19 in physical, mental, professional, and social well-being domains with p.value (0.0001, 0.004, 0.0001,and 0.0001) respectively. Also, there was a positive correlation between patients' knowledge and patient self-care post online education. Conclusion: Online distance learning has a great effect on COVID19 patients' knowledge, self-monitoring, and self-care in isolation units. Recommendations: Providing a printed copy of the educational brochure in outpatient clinics for patients and their relatives