Use of the AST Questionnaire and Spirometry to Assess the Control of Asthma in Adolescents

The objective: was to investigate the level of asthma control in adolescents using the ACT questionnaire and spirometry. Materials and methods. The study included 32 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years, with asthma, without clinical and functional signs of exacerbation. 46,8 % of adolescents (15 people) had a controlled course, and 53,2 % of children (17 people) had a partially controlled asthma. Results. According to the results of spirometric examination, a positive test with a bronchodilator was found in 21,9 % of adolescents. After evaluating the results of spirometry, the share of children with incomplete control of asthma was 59,4 %. According to the AST questionnaire, insufficient control over the course of asthma was found in 65,6 % of those surveyed. After taking into account the results of spirometry and the results of the ACT questionnaire, the number of adolescents with incomplete control of asthma increased from 53,2 % to 71,9 % (χ2=4,14; p=0,042).Conclusion. Clinical monitoring is not always sufficient to properly assess the level of asthma control in adolescents. Consideration of several assessment methods makes it possible to more accurately determine the level of asthma control in a patient.