通过对新疆A地区烃源岩干酪根样品有机质类型显微组分特征研究,确定生烃方向和生烃潜力,对页岩油气资源进行潜力评价。结果表明:TI ≥ 80的I型干酪根有4件,占比2.21%;40 By studying the characteristics of the organic matter types of the source rock kerogen samples in area A of Xinjiang, the hydrocarbon generation direction and potential are determined, and the potential of shale oil and gas resources is evaluated. The results show that: Type I kerogen has 8 cases of TI ≥ 80, accounting for 4.04%; Type II1 kerogen has 77 cases of 40 < TI < 80, accounting for 38.89%; Type II2 kerogen has 69 cases of 40 < TI < 80, accounting for 34.85%; Type III kerogen has 44 cases of TI < 0, accounting for 22.22%. The sample source rock has good organic matter type and contains a large amount of sapropel type, sapropel-mixed type. The whole sample is mainly type II, not only can form oil, but also form a lot of gas, that oil and gas; Type III secondly, the hydrocarbon generation capacity is relatively poor, mainly the formation of gaseous hydrocarbons; the content of I type the least.