现今氨水混合工质被广泛的应用于吸收式制冷及中低品位热能利用领域。而氨水混合工质在以上两个应用领域中所对应的工况范围有较大差别,因此对其热物理性质的探讨研究具有十分重要的意义。本文简要综述了氨水混合工质热物理性质计算的整体研究现状,并分析了状态方程法及国际权威工质物性计算软件Refprop用于计算氨水混合工质热物理性质时各自的特点,在此基础上给出了研究展望。 Nowadays, ammonia-water mixture is widely used in absorption refrigeration and low-grade heat energy utilization. The working conditions of ammonia-water mixture in the above two application fields are quite different, so it is of great significance to study its thermophysical properties. This paper briefly reviews the overall research status of the calculation of thermophysical properties of ammonia-water mixture, and analyses the respective characteristics of the equation of state method and Refprop, an international authoritative software for calculating the thermophysical properties of ammonia-water mixture. On this basis, the research prospects are given.