Strategi Pengelolaan Dana ZIS secara Produktif dalam Mengembangkan Ekonomi pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Asahan

This research is useful to find out how productive the Zis fund management strategy is in developing the economy of the National Baznas of Asahan Regency. The research method uses qualitative methods, namely research methods whose data are contained in the types of words and sentences. The researcher's data collection technique is an interview technique. The strategy used by the Asahan Regency Baznas to raise Zis funds is to create a UPZ. The zakat collection unit is an organizational unit consisting of zakat amil bodies at all levels. The strategy adopted by the Asahan Regency Baznas to distribute and use the ZIS funds is to distribute a portion and use it in each UPZ, after which some will be distributed and used by the Asahan Regency Baznas program. The Zis utilization program for consumption is through direct donations to individuals or through institutions managing the poor, orphanages and places of worship that distribute Zis funds for the community. Productive use of the Zis policy is made possible through the MSME mentoring program, educational assistance in the form of scholarships for the preparation of final D3 to S3 assignments and health services. Keywords: BAZNAS, Productive, ZIS,