2020年5月新疆喀什某肉鸽场饲养的肉鸽出现大量病鸽并发生死亡,主要表现为精神沉郁,羽毛杂乱,食欲减退,吞咽及呼吸困难,排黄绿色稀粪。解剖病死鸽可见黄色伪膜附着口腔黏膜表面,肝脏表面黄色干酪样坏死,心包膜等明显病理变化。怀疑毛滴虫感染,无菌采集病死鸽内脏组织及咽拭子,通过实验室检测,最终确诊为肉鸽毛滴虫病。针对该鸽场实际情况,制定合理有效的治疗方案及预防措施,降低了病鸽死亡率,提高其饲养肉鸽的存活率,增加企业收入。 In May 2020, a meat pigeon farm in Kashgar, Xinjiang, raised a large number of sick pigeons and death occurred, mainly manifested as mental depression, feathers, loss of appetite, swallowing and breathing difficulties, and the discharge of yellow-green thin feces. Anatomy of the dead pigeons showed obviously pathological changes such as yellow pseudomembrane attached to the surface of the oral mucosa, yellow cheese-like necrosis on the surface of the liver and pericardium. Trichomonas infection was suspected, the visceral tissue and pharyngeal swabs of the dead pigeons were collected aseptically, and the final diagnosis of trichomoniasis was confirmed through laboratory tests. According to the actual situation of the pigeon farm, reasonable and effective treatment plan and preventive measures were developed to reduce the mortality rate of the sick pigeons, improve the survival rate of its pigeons and increase the income of the enterprise.