The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the conscious awareness of police officers and their coping with stress in terms of professional, social and demographic variables. The population of the research consists of 202 individuals who were obtained by appropriate sampling from police officers working in Sakarya Provincial Police Department.. The data obtained were applied to the participants face to face with the information form and the final analysis was made on 196 available data. Demographic Information Form, Conscious Awareness Scale (Ozyesil, Deniz, & Arslan, 2011), Stress Coping Scale (Bath, Kilic, 2016) were administered to the police officers who participated in the study. For the analysis, normality test was made for the total scores of the scales and each of the variables, and the Kolmogorow - Smimov test skewness and kurtosis coefficients were examined. Analysis results show that the data show a normal distribution. First of all, it was examined whether the data was normally distributed or not, and then the correlation analysis (Pearson coefficient), t test for unrelated samples from parametric tests, one-way analysis of variance (OneWayAnova) were used, and Kruskal Wallis because the number of data in the groups was below 30 in one of the variables. H test is used. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was found that there is a low-level significant relationship between conscious awareness and coping with stress. When mindful attention awareness and coping response are examined individually, there is a significant relationship only between the police officers' free time activities and their mindful attention awareness, and the police officers who prefer to spend time with their friends are significantly higher than the mindful attention awareness levels of the police officers who prefer to spend time in other ways. No significant difference was found in terms of other comparisons