BUMDes as an Alternative Resolution to the Conflict of Marine Tourism Management in Madura

The utilization of coastal space for marine tourist destination has developed very rapidly; unfortunately, this marine tourism management potentially results in conflict. Marine tourism managed by villagers in Bangkalan Regency is the example of potential conflict in its implementation. In Labuhan Village, Sepulu Sub District, Bangkalan Regency mangrove tourism has resulted in conflict of management between the communities in a village. It is well established that public participation is one of variables that can affect supportability of coastal environment for marine tourism development, but non-participative management will affect the sustainability of tourism business itself. The objective of research was to formulate the model of marine tourism management policy through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). Such policy model is expected to minimize the conflict of spatial management. To achieve this objective of research, a Socio Legal Research type was used with factual and conceptual approaches. The result of research showed that the marine tourism management policy in Madura coastal area is managed more in group by mangrove farmer group, tourism consciousness group (pokdarwis) and community supervisor group (pokwasmas), and only very few have been managed by BUMDes. BUMDes is selected to be a legitimized institution in managing the marine tourism in coastal areas, because BUMDes can stimulate and activate the rural economic wheel managed fully by villagers. Juridical construction of marine tourism management through BUMDes can be legitimized based on Village Act. Village Regulation and legal entity-organization are legal figures underlying the marine tourism management through BUMDes as governed in Village Act and Minister of Village, Transmigration, and Disadvantaged Region’s Regulation about the establishment, the administration and management, and the dismissal of Village-Owned Enterprises.