The evaluation of chemical mixtures is a complex subject and follows several approaches. To strengthen the scientific basis of the toxicology of chemicals mixtures, studies have been carried out to determine the biological concepts and basic formulas of mathematics for the extrapolation of low doses. The extrapolation of these doses should be considered as a key issue in the assessment of potential health risks from exposure to chemical mixtures in the atmosphere, by-products of drinking water disinfection, or in recombinant additives ..., etc. Clearly, the intervention of biologists, biomathematicians and bioengineers in toxicology mixtures is essential for the development of this. Studies on complex mixtures use multidisciplinary knowledge. The risk of complex mixtures remains a challenge. Before the results of the toxicity test can be used to adjust the risk assessment calculations, it is important to assess the chemical composition and to understand the mechanism of chemical interactions observed in animals chronically exposed to low doses of chemical mixtures. The current development of exposure biomarkers allows the assessment of the internal dose of exposure to toxic substances, integrating all the media and pathways of contact, thus allowing a precise assessment of the risk to human health. Finally, it is time to initiate research projects related to this theme, and more particularly to the development of toxicological and eco-toxicological tests, to better study interactions at low doses. This will not only improve scientific knowledge, but also provide essential skills to increase safety against exposure to complex mixtures. A battery of tests seems essential to evaluate the toxic potential of the mixtures, and to better understand the different possible interactions between the substitutes. However, the toxicological and eco-toxicological and risk assessment models appear to be limited by, on the one hand, the non-specificity of the mechanisms of action but at stake, and on the other hand, their lack of representativeness of in vivo effects It would therefore be interesting and desirable for these tests to be better understood, in order to define and interpret the mechanisms of action of the mixtures. This bibliographic review aimed to provide some answers to the central question which is: the nature of the possible interactions between contaminants that can influence their toxicities.