近年来,国内多起小学校园欺凌事件引发了社会大众的广泛关注。面对层出不穷的欺凌事件,如何保护小学生不受侵害?万一侵害发生后,如何避免进一步的伤害产生,以及如何治愈受害者受到的创伤等等,已成为当前小学校园欺凌事件中亟待解决的重要问题。为了制定更加高效的干预方案,我们对中日两国关于小学校园欺凌事件的社会干预机制进行了系统比较,结果发现我们在处理小学校园欺凌事件的信息收集、立法完善、责任分配等方面仍存在较大的优化和成长空间。 In recent years, a number of cases of bullying at primary schools in China have aroused wide public concern. In the face of endless incidents of bullying, how to protect primary school students from infringement, how to avoid further injury in case of abuse, and how to heal the victim’s trauma, has become an important issue to be solved in the current primary school bullying incidents. In order to develop more effective intervention programs, we made a systematic comparison of the social intervention mechanisms of primary school bullying in China and Japan. The results show that there is still much room for improvement and growth in information collection, legislation improvement, responsibility distribution and other aspects of dealing with bullying in primary schools.

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