In this 21st Century technology extent of time and worldwide integration, various narrow and medium enterprises exist adopting cloud calculate for their trade operations. Cloud calculate exist an increasing information in visible form Centre technology in accordance with the becoming more intense traffic connected to the internet fashionable the period of the Internet of Things (IoT). These electronics outwit the defect of conventional servers for speed, scalability and effectiveness. However, skilled exist still narrow enterprises that exist undecided of the appropriate of cloud computing time in military operation fashionable trade movement. Thus, this paper is inscribed to survey the views of person who is very involved in education and learning about the benefits of cloud computing rite of a fashionable trade movement that motivate bureaucracy to legally care for business enterprise. The aims of the study include to ascertain the benefits of cloud to small-scale enterprises in India, to determine the challenges facing cloud users and to unravel the strategies that can improve the strategic growth of cloud users in India enterprises. The researcher used a case study design and a qualitative research approach. The place of the study is Chandigarh University of India and Busy Network company in India.