当前,咸海问题产生的生态和社会经济影响正日益引起国际社会的关注。同时,国内有关方面对与之相关的研究也给予了越来越多的重视。本文采用文献计量学的方法,对CNKI、Web of science和eLibrary三大数据库1991年至2018年以来收录的以咸海问题研究为主题的期刊论文进行分析。从论文的数量、学科、主题、机构和国别等维度,总结出以咸海为主题的研究特点。分析结果显示,三大数据库收录的相关论文数量总体呈增加态势,各数据库文献在学科分布重点和年际变化上存在差异;国内研究重点为地质矿产,俄语区注重本底情况研究,国际学界则持续关注生态环境;SCI论文中,欧美、俄罗斯和中亚、中国等发文位居前列,非洲和拉美地区较少涉及该主题;在机构合作发文方面,最为活跃的是俄罗斯科学院、中国科学院、波恩大学等机构,它们也是在咸海研究领域最具影响力的科研团体。咸海问题是地处“一带一路”重要节点的中亚国家的共同关切,积极与上述国家开展有关解决咸海问题的共同研究,既符合当事国的利益,也有助于解决区域共同面临的生态和社会问题,从而推动“一带一路”倡议的实施。 Currently, the ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the Aral Sea issue are increasingly attracting the attention of the international community. The basic situation of the study on the Aral Sea issue has also attracted the attention of Chinese scholars. The bibliometrics methods are used by this paper to analyze the journal papers on the subject of Aral Sea problem research collected from 1991 to 2018 in the databases of CNKI, Web of science and eLibrary. The research characteristics of the Aral Sea theme are summarized from the number of papers, disciplines, study subject, institutions, countries and other dimensions. The analysis result shows that the number of related papers included in the three major databases is generally increasing, and there is a difference in the distribution of disciplines and inter-annual changes in the literature of each database; the domestic research focuses on geological and mineral resources, the Russian region focuses on background research, and the international academic community continue to pay attention to the ecological environment; analysis of SCI shows that papers of Europe, Russia, Central Asia, China on the Aral Sea are at the forefront, and Africa and Latin America are less involved in this topic; in terms of institutional cooperation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bonn University are the most active institutions, they are also the most influential research groups in the field of Aral Sea research. The Aral Sea issue is a common concern of the Central Asian countries. Actively carrying out joint research on solving the problems with the above-mentioned countries is not only in the interest of the country concerned, but also helps to solve regional eco-logical and socioeconomic issues.

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