Très is one of the businesses engaged in the food and beverage industry. Très introduced itself as a Pasta specialists that have a signature product called Fusion Pasta Brûlèe. This product is a combination of products originating from Italy, namely pasta, and made into a pasta product that is presented with innovative combinations with Indonesian flavors. As one of the newbies in the business sector, the experience of fusion and original taste is a core value for Très business. The food and beverage industry has an important role to play in Indonesian economy but the problem is, food and beverage business is not a sustainable business especially with the times and technological advances. The food business can last a long time if it is able to balance growth, development and innovation in every product presented. The research aims to searching the customer needs for developing new product so that this business can continue to move sustainably and follow developments. Knowing the needs of the customers, it makes Très and teams plan products in accordance with the needs of the market. Previously, Très and team made an analysis of a diary study to determine the customer's eating activities and experiences by the food. The customer actually understands the importance of nutrition in the body that affects their activities. Très also finds out about future suggestions that customer needs for healthy food. Most of the results of diary studies, customers want food that is healthy but also tastes good and is time efficient when consumed. Then the result synchronized with their desire to feel fulfilled by the food. After that the result by the diary study, Très through the concept testing analysis, from here it is known whether the product is able to be accepted by the community as a product that is in accordance with the needs of the customer. Can be applied with open innovation and collaborating products to maintain the sustainability of the product while continuing to analyze consumer desires.