自5月~9月每隔10天对高邮湖畔水产专业合作社的3个双层覆膜护坡河蟹养殖池塘进行水质和浮游藻类监测。结果显示:水体透明度基本保持见底的状态,溶解氧变化范围在(5.4~13.87) mg/L,pH变化范围在7.48~10.05之间;氨态氮的监测范围在(0.1~3.6) mg/L;亚硝酸盐监测数值总体上呈现先增后减最后维持较低的水平;池塘高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和总磷的变化范围分别在(5.9~15.1) mg/L和(0~0.497) mg/L;总氮含量在(0.2~2.77) mg/L间波动;浮游藻类以蓝藻和绿藻为常见藻;监测结果表明,河蟹养殖池塘中总氮、总磷、CODMn等富营养化相关指标总体符合淡水池塘水排放要求(SC/T 9101-2007)。 Water quality and planktic algae were monitored every 10 days from May to September in three double-layer film-covered river crab ponds in Gouyou Lake Aquatic Cooperatives. The results showed that the transparency of water basically remained at bottom, the dissolved oxygen varied within the scope of (5.4~13.87) mg/L, and the pH ranges from 7.48 to 10.05. The monitoring range of ammonia nitrogen was (0.1~3.6) mg/L. On the whole, the monitoring value of nitrite increased first, then decreased, and finally maintained a low level. The range of permanganate index (CODMn) and total phosphorus was respectively (5.9~15.1) mg/L and (0~0.497) mg/L. The total nitrogen content fluctuated between (0.2~2.77) mg/L. The common planktonic algae were cyanobacteria and chlorophyta. The monitoring results indicated that the eutrophication related indexes such as total nitrogen, total phosphorus and CODMn in the crab pond generally met the water discharge requirements of fresh water pond (SC/T 9101-2007).