Gambaran Ketepatan Waktu Penyediaan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan Di RSUP Fatmawati Tahun 2021

The hospital as a public health service institution is an important part that provides complete individual health services and provides inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Provision of medical records is a process of providing medical records starting from searching for medical records to sending medical records to the intended polyclinic for health services in accordance with health service standards. The purpose of this study was to get an overview of the timeliness of providing outpatient medical records at Fatmawati Hospital. In this study the authors decided to use a qualitative descriptive method which aims to describe the situation or field conditions regarding the occurrence of inaccuracies in the provision of outpatient medical records at Fatmawati Hospital. Based on Standard Operating Procedures, the provision of outpatient medical records at Fatmawati Hospital is