Analisis Produktivitas Tukang Batu Bata Pada Proyek Pembangunan Asrama Puteri Mandala Wangi 2 di Kota Kendari

Productivity is one of the fundamental factors that influences the ability of performance in the construction industry. Increasedproductivity will reduce work time, and will reduce costs, especiallylabor costs so that the minimum labor cost is obtained (labor costs)to get competitive prices both for auction and implementation. Thepurpose of this study is to analyze the labor productivity time incompleting 1 m2 of masonry bricks and to analyze the productivityvalue of brick masons in completing work activities in the constructionproject of the Mandala Wangi 2 female dormitory. The results showedthat the time required to complete 1 m2 of brick laying work was 41.13minutes on average. The productivity of the artisans working on the 1stfloor is an average of 1.45 m2/hr. Meanwhile, the productivity ofcraftsmen working on the 2nd floor is an average of 1.47 m2/hr.