Unsur Budaya Material dalam Novel Entrok Karya Okky Madasari

This research aims to classify and describe the material culture elements contained in Okky Madasari’s novel Entrok. The research problem includes the classification of material culture elements which only exist in Indonesia, and most of them are related to Javanese culture. This research was a qualitative descriptive research. The data were in the form of words and phrases obtained from Okky Madasari’s Entrok. The result showed that there were six elements of material culture. The most commonly found material culture element was food, the second was house, the third was clothes, and the least found were vehicle, daily equipment, and art tool. The use of material culture elements in literary works, such as novel, not only improves the aesthetic value of the work, but also can be used as a media of education, so that the literary work enthusiasts can recognize better and are able to preserve the cultures in Indonesia.