海水鱼类养殖作为我国水产养殖业的重要组成部分,其产业日益扩大的同时,也受到多种因素制约。其中饲料投喂是海水鱼类养殖过程中重要一环,选择何种饲料投喂模式对所饲鱼类的身体机能都有不同程度影响。精准的投喂模式,能显著提高鱼类生长性能,降低饲料成本且减轻环境压力。因此,本文对不同投喂模式(投喂频率、投喂率、投喂方式)对海水鱼类生长发育、消化代谢及免疫应激等方面的影响进行概述,以期能为海水鱼类的科学高效投喂及健康养殖提供有效帮助。 As an important part of aquaculture in China, mariculture industry is steadily expanding, but it is also restricted by many factors. Among them, feed feeding is an important part in the process of marine fish culture. The selection of feed feeding patterns has different degrees of impact on the physical function of the fish fed. Accurate feeding patterns can significantly improve fish growth performance, reduce feed cost and reduce environmental pressure. Therefore, this paper summarized the effects of different feeding patterns (feeding frequency, feeding rate, feeding mode) on the growth and development, digestion and metabolism and immune stress of marine fish, in order to provide effective help for scientific and efficient feeding and healthy breeding of marine fish.