Design Formula for Sizing Rock Riprap at Spill-Through Abutments in Compound Channels

A numerically based investigation is carried out to determine the minimum median diameter of the riprap stone needed to avoid shear failure inside the riprap apron used to protect spill-trough abutments against erosion. The study considers identical spill-through abutments placed on the floodplains of a compound channel. Several series of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are conducted with varying floodplain width, Bf , ratio between the abutment length and the floodplain width, La/Bf , mean diameter of the riprap stone, D50 , and channel curvature, R , to estimate the maximum Froude number, Fr, at which riprap stones in aprons placed at the base of spill-through abutments will resist shear failure by the flow. A design formula for riprap size selection in aprons protecting spill-through abutments is proposed. The formula is expressed as D50/y=C0.5α*Frα , where y is the flow depth next to the toe of the abutment. The two model parameters are C and α . Results show that α is only a function of Bf for abutments that do not extend until close to the main channel and α=1.85 for abutments extending over the whole width of the floodplain.