Penerapan Design Thinking Dalam Inovasi Tempat Bertransaksi Jual Beli Barang Pada Toko Online Thrifter.Things

The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of design thinking in designing appropriate solutions and innovations to the problems contained in the online shop thrifter.things, especially on the problem of where to buy and sell transactions (buying and selling platforms). This research method uses descriptive research methods and design thinking methods which are research with the aim of describing a situation or phenomenon that is currently happening by using scientific procedures to solve the problem. The results of this study state that at the Emphatise stage the thrifter.things transaction process is irregular, at the Define stage it is necessary to create only one platform that is used as a special place for transactions, at the Ideate Thifter.things stage you can use the website platform as the main place for buying and selling products, at the Prototype stage because the website is an innovative idea to improve the complexity of the buying and selling transaction process at the Thrifter.things online store which will be used as the only place to transact, and at the Test stage a trial of the use of the website is carried out as a potential land for doing online business.