Regenerasi Pemerolehan Seni Lais di Padepokan Lais Pancawarna Kampung Sayang Desa Cibunar Kecamatan Cibatu Kabupaten Garut

The purpose of this paper is to know the existence and acquisition Seni Lais from the older generation to the younger generation. In this study analyzed model of inheritance Seni Lais as a form of preservation. From the result of this research is expected to realize the mapping of inheritance model Seni Lais from the older generation to the younger generation and so it can be known synergic and continuous preservation efforts. Therefore, the mastery and understanding of Seni Lais must be imprinted in the soul and body of the older generation and the younger generation for socialization art in particular of Seni Lais can be done optimally and thoroughly within the scope of local, national, regional, and international. In addition, the regeneration is also a reflection of the identity of the Sundanese community which is one among the cultural treasures of Indonesian society. The method used in this paper is an ethnographic method that refers to qualitative research. Source of data used in this research is primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is data in the field through participant observation. Furthermore, for secondary data used literature sources. Keywords: Model of Inheritance, Regeneration, Seni Lais