A Statistical Study into Network Security Issues of IT Companies in Accra

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a rising technology that offers a great assurance towards a variety of revolutionary applications such as military and public. As wireless sensor networks continue to develop, there is a high importance in security mechanisms. As sensor networks works with responsive data and operate in antagonistic environments, it is crucial to address the security issues. The sensing technology united with wireless communication and processing power makes it rewarding. Due to these computing and inherent constraints in resource, sensor network security has special challenges. The low cost and collaborative nature of the wireless networks (WNs) offers significant advantages upon the conventional communication techniques. The wireless communication technology has several kinds of security threats. The spotlight of this paper is towards addressing the security issues and challenges of WSNs. Here the idea is to identify the threats and security mechanism of wireless sensor networks among WSNs companies in Accra. This paper will contribute to the literature of Wireless sensor networks security issues and challenges in society especially in Ghana. It is concluded that wireless sensor networks have security impact and challenges on information security in IT companies in Accra.