Strategi Bisnis PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa dengan Pendekatan Business Model Canvas (BMC)

PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa is a financial technology company that offers capital services for agricultural activities. With the concept of peer to peer lending (P2P), the company functions as a platform are to bring investors and customers together. To continue to grow and face competition in the future, PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa requires preparation and improvement of business models. This study aims to (1) map the business model applied at PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa, (2) Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the nine elements of the Business Model Canvas based on PT Crowde Build the Nation, (3) Formulate alternative Business Model strategies The right canvas to be applied to PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa. The data collection method is carried out by direct observation and using the qualitative method. The conclusion of this study is the improvement in the new Business Model Canvas, especially in the customer segment elements by adding plantations as a new segment and beef cattle commodities as an improvement to existing segments so that the company's targets are met, improvements in these elements need to be supported by improvements in other elements. namely reactivating individual investors as additional corporate financial key resources, additional types of loan facilities to increase the value proposition, and optimizing the use of technology in customer relationship elements and key activities so that additional consumer segments are followed by maximum service and efficient key activities.