Rationale: A novel COVID-19 is a multi-systemic critical worldwide pandemic infection. Certainly, associated multiple electrolytes imbalance in COVID-19 pneumonia is a remarkable decisive event. Camel-hump T-wave, Tee-Pee sign, and Wavy triple sign (Yasser’s sign)are novel highly significant descriptive electrocardiographic signs that are seen in calcium and potassium disturbance. There is an established and strong relationship between and electrocardiographic abnormalities and electrolytes imbalance. COVID-19 pneumonia and cerebrovascular stroke are commonly seen in a patient with Coronavirus infection. Patient concerns: A 69-year-old married worker Egyptian male patient was presented to the emergency department with COVID-19 pneumonia and cerebrovascular stroke. Diagnosis: COVID-19 pneumonia with lacunar infarction, hypocalcemia, and hyperkalemia. Interventions: Chest CT scan, brain CT scan, electrocardiography, oxygenation, and echocardiography. Outcomes: Initial bad and deterioration outcome but, the dramatic outcome had happened after later management. Lessons: The understanding of electrocardiographic signs regarding metabolic disorders such as electrolytes imbalance and other associated systemic diseases is very important. Elderly male sex, heavy smoker, COVID-19 pneumonia, cerebrovascular stroke, chronic renal impairment, ischemic heart disease, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hypernatremia represent bad prognostic points and is indicating a high-risk condition.