自抗扰控制器存在参数繁多、难以快速确定合理的参数值的问题。本文将遗传算法(Genetic Algo-rithm)运用到自抗扰控制算法的参数寻优中,对四旋翼无人机进行姿态控制。由于GA-ADRC控制器不需要模型参数就可以实现干扰补偿,因此可以独立设计GA-ADRC控制器。采用遗传算法可大大减少自抗扰参数进行人工调参的工作量,可以快速确定合理的自抗扰控制器参数,具有很强的实用性。通过仿真实验证明,所设计的GA-ADRC相比于常用的人工调参经验与公式推导相结合的方法拥有更好的姿态控制效果。 The ADRC has many parameters and it is difficult to find reasonable parameter values quickly. In this paper, the Genetic Algorithm is applied to the parameter optimization of the ADRC algorithm to control the attitude of the quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle. The GA-ADRC controller can be de-signed independently because the GA-ADRC controller does not need model parameters to achieve interference compensation. The adoption of genetic algorithm can greatly reduce the workload of manual parameter adjustment of ADRC parameters. In addition, it quickly determines reasonable ADRC controller parameters. As a result, this manner has strong practicability. Simulation experi-ments prove that GA-ADRC has better attitude control effect than the frequently used method of combining manual parameter adjustment experience and formula derivation.

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