The interpretation of the Bible in the present continues to grow rapidly. This progress has both positive and negative effects in the realm of biblical interpretation. The positive impact that is with the progress of interpretation, it was found many truth values that were not understood and now start out one by one. The negative as the progress of biblical interpretation is the loss of boundaries. With the method of high-criticism interpretation makes the Bible originally believed to be the infallible Word, and now it is equated with another book of lesser value than the scriptures. The Bible is aligned with the ordinary book, even the authority of the Bible as God's Word is in doubt, denied and demeaned to an ordinary literary work.This is a challenge for Christianity today. It takes a firm stance in the face of the Higher Criticism interpretation movement. Christians need to determine a position to deflect any allegations that undermine the authority of the Bible and any allegations that cast doubt on the inspiration and revelation of the existing Scriptures. This paper is expected to give a little apologetic response to the Higher Criticism movement Keywords: Higher Criticism, Apologetic, Bible AbstrakPenafsiran Alkitab dalam masa kini terus mengalami perkembangan dengan pesat. Kemajuan ini memberikan dampak positif maupun negative dalam ranah dunia tafsir Alkitab. Positive karena dengan kemajuannya banak nilai-nilai kebenaran yang dul tidak dipahami mulai keluar satu persatu. Negatifnya saat kemajuan penafsiran Alkitab kehilangan batasan, dengan metode penafsiran higher Critism menjadikan Alkitab yang awalnya diyakini sebagai Firman yang tanpa salah, layaknya buku lain yang nilainya lebih rendah dari kitab suci. Aklitab disejajarkan dengan buku biasa. Bahkah otoritas Alkitab sebagai Firman Allah diragukan, disangkal dan direndahkan sebatas karya sastra biasa.Ini merupakan tantangan bagai kekristenan saat ini. Diperlukan sikap yang tegas dalam menghadapi pergerakan penafsiran Higher Critism. Orang Kristen perlu menentukan posisi dalam menangkis segala tuduhan yang merendahkan otoritas Alkitab. Segala tuduhan yang meragukan pengilhaman dan pewahyuan penulisan kitab Suci yang ada. Tulisan ini diharapkan memberikan sedikit sikap apologetika terhadap gerakan Higer Critism Kata Kunci: Higer Critism, Apologet, Alkitab