The process of forming athletes' identities still begins in the youth categories, during adolescence. Unlike other social groups that develop professional skills, the athlete has their time dedicated to training and competing, becoming alienated from other forms of socialization. Sports professionalization began in Brazil during the 1980s. This movement generated profound changes not only in the exercise of the profession of athlete, but also in the constitution of the identity of this professional who has a short productive trajectory and early retirement, compared to other professions. The so-called career transition, the athlete's retirement has profound consequences in the lives of those people who are used to having social visibility, public harassment, and recognition for their achievements, which are not common to average citizens. Volleyball was the first professional sport in the country, serving as an example to other institutions. However, this pioneering spirit was not reflected in the athletes' preparation to withdraw from competitive life. In 2021, for the first time, the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation prepared a career transition program for athletes who competed in professional court and beach tournaments. The objective of this research is to analyze how the career transition process takes place between volleyball and beach volleyball athletes and the construction of a new identity after moving away from competitive life.