¿Qué enseña la escuela fisiocrática de economía? A propósito de François Quesnay y Anne Robert Jacques Turgot

The emergence and acceptance of the proposal of the Physiocrats in the mid-eighteenth century prior to the French and industrial revolutions, was the result of abandonment and poverty in which the French peasantry found itself, subjected to unpayable taxes, in the face of an interventionist state policy that favored to the wealthy merchants, the clergy, the nobility and the Crown of the time. While the mercantilists affirm that wealth was the result of trade, the physiocrats defended agricultural production as a source of wealth; For this reason, they defended internal and external free trade, the freedom of action of social actors without state intervention, they understood the economy as a system of interdependence between the different sectors of the economy. The foundations that they traced in defense of economic freedom protected by Laissez-faire, laissez passer [letting do, letting go] have deserved the recognition of anarcho-capitalism, in its capacity as a critical current of state authoritarianism and apologists for the defense of life, freedom and property, only attainable through respect for the individual.