Rupture perineum berdampak pada bio/fisik, psikologis, seksual dan sosial serta kualitas hidup pada ibu postpartum. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui biopsikoseksual dan sosial ibu postpartum dengan riwayat rupture perineum. Metode penelitian adalah scoping review menggunakan mesin pencarian pada database PubMed, Proquest, Wiley Online Library dan Science Direct pada Januari 2008 sampai Desember 2018. Berdasarkan hasil scoping review ditemukan tema : “dampak rupture perineum pada ibu postpartum”, “upaya pencegahan rupture perineum” dan “pelayanan masa nifas”. Review jurnal yang ditemukan seluruhnya berasal dari Negara Maju.Perineal laceration has an impact on bio / physical, psychological, sexual and social as well as quality of life in postpartum mothers. The aim of the study was to determine the biopsychosexual and social aspects of postpartum mothers with a history of perineal laceration. The research method used search engines in the PubMed, Proquest, Wiley Online Library and Science Direct databases from January 2008 to December 2018. Based on the review results of the article found themes: "impact of perineal laceration on postpartum mothers", "efforts to prevent perineal laceration" and "postpartum childbirth service". The review articles found were entirely from Developed Countries.