The Effects of Consumers' Values and Norms on Intentions to Visit Eco-friendly Events

Purpose - The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of consumers'' values and norms on intentions to visit eco-friendly events using extended theory of planned behavior(TPB). Design, data, and methodology -The proposed model was tested using the data collected from 248 participants, and a self-completion questionnaire was used to measure the constructs. Validity and reliability were ensured, and then the model was tested. Result - The results revealed that all four hypotheses were partly supported. Specifically, no relationships between egoistic value and subjective norm; and egoistic value and attitude were found out, however, other relationships among the constructs (egoistic value, altruistic value, moral norm, subjective norm, attitude, perceived behavioral control, and visiting intention) were statistically identified. Conclusions -Implications for future research and marketing strategies in the field of visiting intentions were discussed. Also, limitations and future research directions were also discussed.