Effective treatment for recurrent perigraft seromas of upper arm polytetrafluoroethylene grafts: report of two cases.

  • 1 June 2003
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 26 (6), 440-3
Among the possible complications of hemodialysis polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft creation, perigraft seromas are rare, but sometimes troublesome. Debridement with drainage is usually the method of treatment. However, recurrence is not unusual. Herein we describe 2 cases of recurrent perigraft seroma treated by a simple but effective surgical method: excision of the pseudocapsule and revision of the arterial inlet. This method converted the brachial artery to axillary vein dialysis graft into an upper arm axillary artery to axillary vein loop bridge graft and eliminated the seroma. No recurrence was noted after a 4-month follow-up period. This surgical method may be a simple and effective solution for dialysis graft seromas.