Cooperatives of Farmers in Oman

This study focuses on explaining the concept of farmers' cooperatives which contribute to raising the Omani economy, achieving security and food balance, and contributing to the eradication of poverty, hunger and unemployment. The aim of this paper is to find areas of deficiency concerning the implementation of farmer cooperatives in Oman. The study follows the philosophy of realism, as it is delivering real and accurate information. The text uses a mixed method by combining qualitative and quantitative. The research uses questionnaire showing the responses of farmers and ordinary people to collect the data. In addition, an interview showing the importance and the factor of implementing farmer cooperatives. This study uses interviews and questionnaire to gather the data needed to fill the gaps. The findings of this research add deep discovery to the previous studies, regarding the unawareness and knowledge among farmers about the importance, causes and positive effects of cooperatives among farmers and the negative effects that may occur to farmers for refusing to enter farmers' cooperatives and the factors of implementing farmer’s cooperatives. Additional research in this topic is needed for full understanding of making strong relationships and trust between farmers, which convince them to join farmers' cooperatives. The value of this study lies in raising the level of farmer's cooperatives in Oman because of its invaluable role in improving livelihoods, achieving sustainable development, increasing profitability and increasing productive efficiency by finding the common reasons that prevent farmers to join these cooperatives.