The Effectiveness of 448 kHz Capacitive Resistive Monopoles Radio Frequency in Acute Ankle Sprain: A Case Report

The aim of the present report was to find out the effect of 448 kHz Capacitive Resistive Monopolar Radiofrequency (CRMRF) in acute ankle sprain. A patient with right unilateral acute ankle sprain participated in the present case study. The patient followed a course of 448 kHz CRMRF twice per day for seven consecutive days. Evaluations included self-reported pain via a visual analogue scale, degree of ankle edema and ankle range of motion via goniometry carried out before the treatment and at the end of the treatment. There was a decline in pain and a rise in function in all evaluations. The results of the present trial suggest that a course of 448 kHz CRMRF as described in the present trial can produce significant improvements in terms of pain and disability in acute ankle sprain; however, larger studies are required confirming these results.