This study aimed to examine and analyze the role of teacher social support in moderating the effect of motivation and passion on student engagement. The study population was students of SMAN 1 Randudongkal in Pemalang Regency, with 291 students as the sample determined by the Slovin formula. The research method used computer software with SPSS for Windows version 22. The data analysis method used Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA) with a quasi-moderator type. The results of the t-test significance obtained that the regression coefficient of the learning motivation variable was 0.190, and the significance was 0.001 ( 0.05. The results mean that teacher social support does not moderate the effect of learning motivation on student engagement. The interaction of passion-teacher social support resulted in a regression coefficient of 0.036 and a significant 0.518 > 0.05, meaning that teacher social support did not moderate the influence of learning passion on student engagement. In conclusion, teacher social support does not moderate the effect of student learning motivation on student engagement, and teacher social support does not moderate the effect of student learning passion on student engagement if, in practice, students have high motivation and passion for learning during the learning process.  Keywords: motivation, teacher social support, passion, student engagement