Mujeres Gladiadoras. Prensa republicana femenina y movilización política en los inicios de la cultura mediática en España (1896-1922).

: The enormous potential of the Spanish republican female press at the junction of the 19th-20th centuries acquires historical interest due to the renewal of the journalistic market aimed at women, which, transcending the framework of beauty, fashion, home and domestic economy magazines welcomes a political, doctrinaire, militant and radical journalism, directed and written by women, although it had male collaborations. This press - El Progreso, La Conciencia Libre, El Gladiador, El Gladiador del Librepensamiento and Redención, among other publications- conferred recognition and intellectual authority on its promoters, by giving them the possibility of spreading their ideals, create opinion, influencing the public sphere and articulating a political tradition and culture that has been largely neglected in the history of the press. Keywords: Republican press, women, media culture, Spain, 19th - 20th centuries.