Assessment of the Role of Lung Ultrasonography for the Accuracy of Clinically Estimated Dry Weight in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of lung ultrasonography to determine the accuracy of prescribed dry weight in chronic hemodialysis patients and to ascertain the adequacy of fluid removal . Methods: In this cross sectional study LUS was performed immediately before and after (within 15 min) the dialysis session on 60 patients on regular hemodialysis, 4-hours per session, three times weekly at Tanta university hospitals, Internal Medicine Department, Nephrology units, Egypt. The ultrasonography B-lines was tabulated and compared to the intradialytic ultrafltration parameters and dry weight. Results: Positive significant correlation (P 0.02) was achieved between the intradialytic percentage change in B-lines and the percent change in total body weight reduction and also Positive significant correlation (P 0.05) was achieved between the intradialytic percentage change in B-lines and the ultrafiltration rate. Conclusion: LUS is a valuable diagnostic tool for recognizing the adequacy of fluid removal and to avoid inaccurate estimation of dry weight by usual clinical parameters or even radiologic studies including chest X-ray.