电子招投标以电子信息技术为手段,以网络运营为媒介,突破了以往纸质信息记录方法,具备精准性高、效率高、成本低等多种优势。但作为一种尚未全面普遍的模式,电子招投标系统在实现过程中也可能带来种种风险。所以如何对电子招投标系统建设的风险进行控制管理是推行电子招投标亟待解决的问题。解决问题就必须找出问题的所在,电子招投标中风险管理的第一步便是风险识别。全面的风险识别对风险管理工作中后续的风险评价、风险应对等研究具有重要的意义。 Electronic bidding takes electronic information technology as the means and network operation as the medium, which breaks through the previous paper information recording methods and has many advantages such as high accuracy, high efficiency and low cost. However, as a kind of mode which is not yet universal, the electronic bidding system may bring various risks in the process of realization. So how to control and manage the risk of electronic bidding system construction is an urgent problem to be solved in the implementation of electronic bidding. To solve the problem, we must find out where the problem lies. The first step of risk management in electronic bidding is risk identification. Comprehensive risk identification is of great significance to the follow-up research of risk assessment and risk response in risk management.

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