Encryption and Decryption (File Cryptography with AES and RSA for Mobile Based on Android)

The users of mobile based on android were increasing currently even now mobile was almost the same computer one of which could be used to be done by every users mobile was save the individual important data. Saving the data on mobile was very risk because become hackers’ target. That was the reason of researchers want to add cryptography which the combination between Advance Encryption System (AES) dan Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir dan Len Adleman (RSA). The result of the second method above could do cryptography data on mobile. With different encryption time where the file size; 25.44 KB, encryption time 4 second, 200 KB, 5 second, 600 KB 7 second, 2.29 MB, 10 second. Where decryption 25.44 KB, encryption 2 second, 200 KB, 1.5 second, 600 KB 2.5 second, 2.29 MB, 2.7 second.